
French academic (online) lecture notice

2021-11-25    作者:     审稿: 姚霞    点击量:

TimeNovember 30,2021(Tuesday) 4:30PM

classroom407Room 4Cbuilding

Course TopicHow Maintain an Open Mind and be More Creative in Our Own Opinions?

Course IntroductionWe make countless decisions every day. Most of them are small and easy to make, for example deciding whether we go to work early or not, or whether we should process this email first or that one. But some decisions are important, for example allocating budgets, saying yes or no to clients or colleagues, or identifying and selecting strategic options. However, the way we make the big decisions can be biased and irrational. We will review a few of these biases and then see ways of organizing the process of making decisions in such a way that we can maintain an open mind and be more creative in the way we create our own options.

Professor NameOlivier BERTHOD

Professor IntroductionOlivier Berthod is an associate professor in the Human Resources and Organizational Behavior Department. He is also a member of the CEREFIGE research laboratory at the University of Lorraine, an associate of the department of management at Freie Universität Berlin, and an affiliated professor of management and organization at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. He holds Masters degrees in management from the Universities of Paris Dauphine and Linné in Växjö, Sweden, and received his Ph.D. from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. His research focuses on organizational theory and organizational behavior issues, in particular problems of cooperation across sectors, decision-making, and high-reliability. His work has appeared in leading outlets such as the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Management Inquiry, Public Administration, and Organizational Research Methods.

Link : https://icn-artem.zoom.us/j/82143929307?pwd=RU4rUmtwRGQxTTN6RVc2TlJYalZYQT09


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