
Prof. Andrzej Cieslik From the University of Warsaw, Poland, Had a Teaching Seminar With the English Teaching Team of Our School

2019-09-20    作者:     审稿: 姚霞    点击量:

In order to further enrich the teaching skills of our teachers in English, especially the skills of teaching international students, on the afternoon of September 19, 2019, the college of Economics invited Professor Andrzej Cieslik from Warsaw University in Poland to come to our school for teaching and research. The seminar was held at 1-425, and the entire English teaching team and related teachers attended the seminar.

At the seminar, Professor Cieslik first gave a report entitled “Teaching skills in international trade programs”. Professor Cieslik shared his teaching experience with the participating teachers in terms of the educational background of international students, the differences in teaching evaluation, and the role of teachers in the teaching and learning of international students. The teachers also discussed with Professor Cieslik about their doubts in the whole English teaching process.

It is reported that Professor Cieslik has long served as a teacher of the International Student Class Course at Warsaw University in Poland and has extensive international teaching experience. He has been engaged in research and teaching activities at the University of Trier in Germany, Louisiana State University, Glasgow University, and Göttingen University, Germany, the University of Central Europe, the University of Notre Dame, Namur, Belgium, the University of Notre Dame, the University of East Forre, Norway, the University of Columbia, the University of Indiana, the University of Leuven, Belgium, and many other countries. (Translation: Zhijun Qi)


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