350vip8888新葡的京集团德国研究中心(Zentrum fuer Deutschlandsforschung)是四川省教育厅和四川省外办联合批准成立的首批12个“四川省区域与国别重点研究基地”,是高等学校哲学社会科学“走出去”计划的重要举措。利用350vip8888新葡的京集团的学科优势,依托350vip8888新葡的京集团、管理学院、文法学院、政治学院、商学院等研究队伍,加强与政府部门和国内外相关研究机构的合作,德国研究中心旨在开展跨学科、跨部门、跨国家的德国问题综合研究。德国研究中心的目标是成为特色明显、学术研究和文化交流活跃,具有一定知名度和影响力的德国问题研究机构,成为德国问题研究专业人才的摇篮和高端学术交流平台,成为具有专业优势和重要影响的智库。它共有三个研究部门。
Zentrum fuer Deutschlandsforschung (ZDF) is an institute of Sichuan Agricultural University,approved and financed by Department of Education, and Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan provincial government in 2013. It is the key research base of individual countries in Sichuan province and a trans-disciplinary research platform with researchers in a variety of schools in SAU such as School of Economics, School of Management, School of Politics, School of Humanity and Law, School of Business. Even so, as an embodied research institute, ZDF is mainly guided by School of Economics and integrated with Center of Regional Economics and Finance Research.
ZDF aims to become the Germany issues research institution of prestige and influential power, an active platform of Sino-Germany academic and cultural exchange and the think tank for Sino-Germany politics, economic and trade collaboration, sci-technology and education exchange. There are mainly three research departments: economic collaboration and trade policy studies, sci-technology and education studies, government administration studies.